
Light luxury living room design flat house design by Casa Custom

In this flat whole house design, Casa Custom tries various elements for making the flat into a light luxury living room design atmosphere with light and dark color combinations.


Living room design


Living room

The custom-made furniture and wall panels are enclosed to retain the atmospheric charm of the original architecture, infused with the gentleness contained in the premium gray color and the luxury of aluminum framed glass, quietly expressing the sense of belonging to the home.

The floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room provide a breathtaking view of the city. The display cabinet is embedded in the wall, increasing security while reflecting the integration of home architecture in Italian design.



Kitchen design



The dining room is decorated with soft and soothing tones and simple and elegant dining chairs, relieving anxiety and returning to the long-lost peace and meditation.

The glass display cabinet with black gold sand wall-mounted sideboard is both luxurious and functional, making the items therein pure and clear, and showing the openness of space.

In the kitchen, dark and light colors are harmoniously matched to give the space a more distinctive sense of hierarchy. The spacious space and smooth-flowing line design make every cooking time incomparably leisurely.

More storage compartments give the kitchen more space, and every design is aimed to make life more convenient.

The transparent sliding door connects the kitchen with the outside, breaking the closed space and providing a comfortable cooking space for the owners.



Bedroom design



The champagne-colored master bedroom reveals a stylish and luxurious atmosphere. The floor-to-ceiling windows allow for more light and enhance the brightness.

The glass walk in wardrobe divides the space and the wall-hanging system makes clothes easy to see and reach a glance.



Bathroom design




The bathroom is designed with brightness, adhering to the principle of less is more to create a minimalist style, visually making the space more spacious.

The stone wall increases the storage function, perfectly balancing the ornamental and practicality of the space.



Children room design


Children’s Room Design


Continuing the champagne-colored wardrobe effectively utilizes the space and also makes the bedroom atmosphere not monotonous.

The small desk next to the bed can be used as a transition for growth and can be replaced with a bedside table in the future.

Opposite the bed is a small open wardrobe, combined with a floating desk for optimal functionality.

The balcony space is designed as a piano room, with warm tones to create a sense of comfort, and beige and lotus colors to make the space a soothing and healing atmosphere.

The boy’s room, with blue as the main color, also uses large windows to enhance light, and minimal furniture to leave ample space for children to move around.


With the whole house design, Casa Custom has a full experience team for design and installation, for your dream living room house design you can contact them for more suggestions if you have any thoughts or ideas.



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