
Casa Custom bathroom cabinet designs concept

By using the bathroom cabinet, there will be many details need to consider, And Casa Custom will tell you this time what will Casa Custom think about by the bathroom cabinet designs.


Bathroom cabinet design

First of all, Casa Custom will think about the user size. Normal adult shoulder width is about in 520mm but to ensure that the bathroom cabinet to the opposite wall passage distance of at least 760mm or more. Which will be not too shallow by enter.

If want to meet the passage of one person, the sideways to use the basin distance should be at least 1220mm. The width of the human side is about 330mm, if people need to bend over to wash their faces. Then the front of the corner vanity basin to the back of the wall distance range should be in 480mm-610mm.

To meet the comfort of human use, bathroom cabinet height should roughly between 940-1090mm (male) or 810-910mm (female). If want to meet the people squatting to take items.

, then the scale of the bathroom cabinet before the passage area at least 680mm. If want to look in the mirror, the height of the human eye from the ground is 1620mm. In addition, if you want to meet the scale of use of children. Then the counter surface from the ground is 660-810mm, the depth of the cabinet will be 550-600mm.


Simple bathroom cabinet design

For the bathroom design will have much more knowledges inside, and Casa Custom is willing to share this kind of custom bathroom cabinet designs online for our fans, if you have any ideas, you can tell Casa Custom as well.

For more about Casa Custom’s bathroom design can check on instagram.

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